If you are building a network marketing or direct sales home business, you know how difficult it can be to find time for everything you know you need to do.
If you sit down and make a list, and look at the time required to do everything, it isn't unusual to find that there just aren't enough hours in the day. I've found that many experience this from time to time. I'd like to share some things that will help you focus on actions that will make your home business grow.
Here are three home business tips to keep in mind for everything you do.
Direct Contact with People is a Must
Network marketing and direct selling are "people businesses" - to make money and enjoy success, you must interact and talk to prospects as well as help those you've already sponsored be successful.
For everything you plan to do for your business, ask yourself if what you are doing will lead to actual contact with someone. It's easy to fall into a trap of doing "administrative" things such as organizing and planning what you'll do later. Planning and organizing is without doubt critical to success, just be careful that you don't overdo it.
Evaluate Your Actions in Light of Your Goals
For every action you plan, be realistic and ask how this will get you closer to your goals for your home business. We all do things sometime that seem productive, but which in reality may be taking us farther from our goals instead of closer.
For example, when I was learning about blogging, I was taught that it was important to post new content to my blog every day. I did that for a while, but found that it took a significant time commitment and after a point became counterproductive.
Now, I post less frequently and spend more time on prospecting and following up - and it pays off.
Create a Weekly Plan
You may be thinking, "My weeks are so hectic, there is no way I can stick to a plan!"
I hear you. I have weeks like that. Last week, I had a very nice plan in place, with lots of things I really needed to do. However, this was just one of those weeks where there were lots of unforeseen events and "stuff" that didn't go as expected.
Despite it, I still accomplished far more than I would have if I hadn't created any plan at all. "Winging it" works for some things, but not so well for home business productivity.
Keep these things in mind and focus on finding and talking to prospects and customers for your network marketing or direct sales business - this is the best and most productive way you can spend your available business time.
If you are interested in joining a thriving networking group, fill out the contact form on www.cvcoach2016.co.uk
If you sit down and make a list, and look at the time required to do everything, it isn't unusual to find that there just aren't enough hours in the day. I've found that many experience this from time to time. I'd like to share some things that will help you focus on actions that will make your home business grow.
Here are three home business tips to keep in mind for everything you do.
Direct Contact with People is a Must
Network marketing and direct selling are "people businesses" - to make money and enjoy success, you must interact and talk to prospects as well as help those you've already sponsored be successful.
For everything you plan to do for your business, ask yourself if what you are doing will lead to actual contact with someone. It's easy to fall into a trap of doing "administrative" things such as organizing and planning what you'll do later. Planning and organizing is without doubt critical to success, just be careful that you don't overdo it.
Evaluate Your Actions in Light of Your Goals
For every action you plan, be realistic and ask how this will get you closer to your goals for your home business. We all do things sometime that seem productive, but which in reality may be taking us farther from our goals instead of closer.
For example, when I was learning about blogging, I was taught that it was important to post new content to my blog every day. I did that for a while, but found that it took a significant time commitment and after a point became counterproductive.
Now, I post less frequently and spend more time on prospecting and following up - and it pays off.
Create a Weekly Plan
You may be thinking, "My weeks are so hectic, there is no way I can stick to a plan!"
I hear you. I have weeks like that. Last week, I had a very nice plan in place, with lots of things I really needed to do. However, this was just one of those weeks where there were lots of unforeseen events and "stuff" that didn't go as expected.
Despite it, I still accomplished far more than I would have if I hadn't created any plan at all. "Winging it" works for some things, but not so well for home business productivity.
Keep these things in mind and focus on finding and talking to prospects and customers for your network marketing or direct sales business - this is the best and most productive way you can spend your available business time.
If you are interested in joining a thriving networking group, fill out the contact form on www.cvcoach2016.co.uk
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